A Live, 10-Week Program To Elevate Your Brand, Increase Your Visibility, & Grow Your Audience and Revenue

Get me in!

“I’ve gotten more done in the last 4 weeks, just having the structure and accountability, than I have in a year. I wish I had been in this group a year ago prior to launching my brand! Had I worked with Julie last year, my approach to marketing would have looked a lot different. I truly believe that this program can be beneficial for anyone no matter the industry.

Ashley Eicher

On-Air Personality, Podcaster and Producer

Here’s a scroll-stopping question for entrepreneurs & creators who put in CEO-amounts of hours working on their business, but still get paid like an intern balancing a stack of papers in cute heels…

What’s the biggest difference between…

Those who make…

a full-time living from their brand, leveraging their smarts to build out services, collaborations, courses and products that pay all the bills (and then some!)…

Those who feel…

feel like they’re spinning their wheels just trying to keep up with an ever-changing social media landscape—wondering if they’ll ever get to a place where their bank account reflects the level of passion they have for sharing great content with the world?

If you guessed…

  • If you guessed knowing your way around the latest algorithm switch-up, you’d be wrong.
  • If you guessed constantly creating newer, better content every single day of every single week, you’d be wrong.
  • If you guessed the number of brand partnership contracts hanging out in your Gmail inbox, you’d still… be… wrong.

Listen—those things are important… BUT, I’m here to tell you that they’re not the whole enchilada.

And unless you’ve thought through how you’re building your brand for the long run, your content and followers have an impact that only stretches as far as your favorite eyelash extensions. (And we all know how easily those fall off at the slightest hint of a menty b.)

So, if simply pumping out more content and gaining more followers isn’t the sustainable plan for forever success, what’s your back-up plan to growing a brand that also grows your bank account?

Let me know if this sounds familiar…

  • You’re juggling brand-building with your (soon-to-be-former) 9-5, keeping your kids fed and hitting that carpool lane dropoff on time, or all the tasks it takes to keep your business running in place – it’s a constant one-thing-after-another reactionary kind of day.
  • Leaving you feeling too busy and overwhelmed with ideas to make the BIG moves you really want to make and growing your brand into something that can truly serve at scale.
  • Honestly, it usually feels like one step forward, and FIVE steps back (Okay, let’s just be 2-glasses-of-rosé-honest: lately it feels more like no steps forward — a frustrating standstill).
  • Things haven’t quite worked out like you thought they would… Which makes it that much more agitating when your spouse, family and friends don’t see this as a real viable business.
  • What used to feel like a fun inspo sesh of scoping out other IG accounts — now feels more like a discouraging reminder of the success other creators are generating while the only thing that seems to be growing on your plate is an endless to-do list. 😫
  • And, as more months fly by in your iCal, shifting your goals from “well, that month must have not been the right timing” to the next month, even you—the passionate go-getter—are starting to doubt if you’ve really got the legitimacy and clarity to make this thing work.

And you’re starting to realize…

You don’t want to waste any more precious time.

You’ve got what it takes deep down inside, and you know it…

But if you’re going to cash in on your full potential, cultivate deep trust with your followers, and grow a revenue-generating business that inspires others… instead of constantly feeling like you’ve been dropped off on the plateau of Brand Growth with no piece of “KILLING-the-game-pie” left over for you…

You’re realizing you’re gonna need to step outside the spin cycle of what you’ve been doing and make some vital changes that will finally shift your brand into a whole new territory.

While we’re being 2-glasses-of-rosé-honest, let’s just call it like it is…

Growing a business isn’t for the faint of heart.

But what I know is this…

Having worked with thousands of brands – content creators, entrepreneurs, coaches, and influencers – I know that not only is there plenty of opportunity out there—but your people are literally WAITING for you to give them precisely what they’ve been looking for.

And the time has never been better to elevate your brand to a status you’ve never touched before.

The creator economy is NOT “oversaturated.”  

On the contrary–it’s growing–projected to be a $21.1 BILLION industry this year.

So, don’t you want to jump in and grab your own cozy, perfectly aligned slice of that pie?

I know you do, babe, and I also know that you’ve got what it takes: the head-over-heels love for this, the possibility, and the determination to see it through.

So it’s high time your brand starts earning what you deserve. And we’re not just talking about some Sephora-spending money (though that’s nice too).

We’re talking about…

The CONSISTENT cash flow that gives you the freedom to decide where to invest next, whether it’s…

  • Developing that new course or service you know your audience will love (and generates more income!)
  • Building that gorgeous new website to showcase your upgraded brand, services and products
  • Bringing on a strong team so you can get the support you really need to grow
  • Being able to create from a place of play and service without all the “shoulds” clouding your brain
  • Paying off your looming debt so you can breathe a little easier each day
  • Putting money down for your first (or next) dream home (heck yes!)
  • Taking real time off to go on on a fun, relaxing vacation that’s *not* comped by some brand (whoop!)

Ahh, can you feel the relief and joy already??

I’m telling you, these things are TOTALLY within reach even if you have a follower count that isn’t flaunting the almighty “K” (yet).

… but these milestones do require a strategic, step-by-step approach (think of it as your roadmap to success).

One that requires a little tough love at times, because as fun as clicking through new arrivals on REVOLVE.com is … I’m going to hold you to your dreams.

Because you. deserve. this.

Your dreams deserve this. Your gifts deserve this.

  • You deserve to have a consistent action plan to execute, especially after listening to all those podcasts at 1.5x speed.
  • You deserve to know EXACTLY who you’re talking to *and* that you’re producing content they love (instead of feeling like you’re just talking to thin air).
  • You deserve peace-filled, do-not-disturb, mindful mornings, where you ease into your day with a little meditation & matcha, and your happiness isn’t controlled by how many views you got on that Reel you posted yesterday (because you now know that doesn’t equate to long term income).
  • You deserve to feel confident, worthy and legitimate at what you do – because you are!
  • You deserve to know precisely the right next step to take – with the confidence that it’s finally going to get you to your goals!

That’s why I’m going to show you exactly what to do to shift things back to your favor.


With the right amount of confidence and a strategic action plan for sustainable brand growth, you’ll finally hold the keys to the kingdom, and be able to…

  • Earn a full-time living as the CEO of your own pursuits, leverage your skills to create courses, build a thriving agency, eco-friendly toddler sippy cup line, or whatever else your dreams are made of.
  • Gain an engaged community of women who go to YOU to learn and gain support (because instead of talking to everyone and anyone, you’re talking to YOUR people).
  • Play to your actual strengths… and have the self-awareness to know just what’s outside your realm of genius and hire the right person (and be able to afford them too!).
  • Enjoy a constant stream of monthly income with which you can support yourself and your family (and yes, furbabes count as children).
And, while I could hand you the plan, walk away, and wish you well… I also know that’s not how we truly accelerate growth. So instead – I’ll be with you every step of the way.

Yes, I’m empathetic, but I’m also hyper-focused and like to get to the source (and quickly) –

Because I know we grow faster and farther when we do it, together.

So if you’re still here with me, and you’re ready for the focus, support, and exact steps that will grow your brand into the world-class sensation it’s meant to be, I can’t wait to invite you into my new signature program (after all, I created it with you in mind).


The live, 10-week program to elevate your brand and strategically increase your visibility to grow your audience, influence, and revenue.

Hi, I’m Julie Solomon…

Today I’m a brand expert, online business coach, best-selling author, speaker, and 7+ figure business owner. But just nine years ago… I had no idea this is where life would take me. It all started with a blog I created back in 2014.

I truly never imagined my journey from publicist to blogger would eventually take me where it has—and I owe it all to building a personal brand on a clear, strategic foundation—and in this program I’m going to walk you step-by-step through my personal proven system for elevating your brand, growing your visibility, and generating consistent income.

We’re talking about the precise foundations I’ve used both with clients and my own brand to build a business from the ground up that’s generated 8 figures in revenue, secured well-paid speaking engagements, birthed a top-rated podcast, garnered a book deal, and so much more (and without all the mistakes or missteps, so you won’t have to fumble the ball with your own brand!).

This is the exact playbook to go from 0 to 250K (dollars, or followers… or both!).

This is how you take your authentic ideas, personality, and gifts and transform them into a brand that supports you and your family today (and well into the future as it grows beyond your wildest dreams).

So instead of trying to mimic other successful brands while being caught up in the day-to-day of attempting to manage your own—It’s time to get access to the insider play-by-play on how to actually build a brand that’s not only aligned with your vision, but also lines your bank account with cash for the lifestyle you really want (and practically grows itself).

Because behind-the-scenes of every successful brand that grows to 7-figures and beyond is a foundational strategy that you can’t piece together from the outside peeking in.

And that’s precisely the custom strategy you’ll map out for yourself in this program.

The month before working with Julie, I made $1,100. Just one month after working with her to get clear on my offer and who I’m speaking to, I made $13,400. Julie’s potent guidance is what got me there. I am so excited to not only be back where I was 1.5 years ago, but to keep this going.”

Hilary Truong

Mother-Daughter Relationship Coach

The Brand Accelerator is a proven system for growth, not just ‘what worked for me.’

I’ve invested years of research and in-person time in the trenches with entrepreneurs just like you:

  • Content creators with anywhere from 0 to 50K followers, who struggled to turn their online brand into their main source of income (no matter how many Reels they posted, pitches they sent, or hashtags-per-posts they maxed out).
  • Coaches who—even though they had invested in their brand before—had YET to experience an online program that successfully led them to cultivating a purpose-driven game plan to reach their goals.
  • Entrepreneurs who, despite starting at the SAME time *she* did, consistently saw other creators who seemed to be achieving momentum and growth … while they felt stagnant.

And, through working hands-on with each of them, we turned it all around!

The Result?

  • They were able to transform their online brand into their main source of income, cultivate a purpose-driven game plan to reach their goals, and achieve real momentum and growth (in followers and revenue).
  • I developed a tangible, proven framework for how YOU can experience all-new levels of success (just like they did).

Inside of The Brand Accelerator, you’ll get an easy-to-follow, crystal-clear blueprint so you can find your way out of overwhelm and uncertainty and tap into your elevated brand identity, consistent income, and long-term financial freedom.


Clarify your brand strategy from top to bottom with my proven step-by-step method inside our private group—including all the foundational pieces that make unlimited growth possible inevitable! Get crystal clear on your audience, messaging, visuals, and more – plus, we’ll be doing it all together.


Create the time and space for creative, playful, and fun content creation! You’ll develop a customized time management and work-life balance strategy for long-term sustainable success that aligns with your goals. And actually enjoy it. Kiss that overwhelm and uncertainty goodbye!


Grow exponentially with marketing and monetization plans that are customized to you and what YOU want! You’ll walk away with the confidence of knowing exactly what content to put out there to achieve your goals and watch your creativity turn into more cash & conversions!

What You Get

Here’s what you’ll get inside The Brand Accelerator:

Lifetime Access To The Brand Accelerator Program + All Future Updates forever!

8 Live Coaching Calls With Julie (so you can receive personal feedback and have all your questions answered)

10 Weeks of Support In The Members-Only Community Group (so you’re not alone in the trenches)

By The End of Our Time Together,  You Will…


Step into Confidence and Mindset Mastery:

Overcome imposter syndrome and self-doubt, fostering a resilient and positive mindset that empowers you to navigate challenges and seize opportunities.


Craft a Compelling Personal Brand:

Create a compelling brand narrative where you share your journey authentically with your audience and establish yourself as an authority.



Differentiate with Your Unique Value Proposition:

Establish a strong brand foundation by understanding the needs and desires of your target audience and creating a value proposition that sets you apart from the sea of noise


Strategize and Create Engaging Content:

Organize your content for consistency and effectiveness while generating a reliable income stream by creating content that resonates with your audience.



Accelerate Your Growth & Visibility on Social Media:

Enhance your presence on social media by cultivating an engaged community and engaging your followers across the platforms that work best for you.


Diversify Your Streams of Income:

Set achievable growth goals, identify monetization avenues tailored to your niche, and implement strategies to increase revenue.



Master Time Management & Work-Life Balance:

Prioritize tasks, streamline productivity, and overcome procrastination to stay focused on your brand’s growth journey by setting routines, time management techniques, and work-life balance practices.


Sustain and Evolve Your Brand:

Maintain momentum and growth after the program ends, and ensure your brand evolves and thrives over time as circumstances and opportunities change


Julie has the experience and knowledge. Walking through her program with her, as she lays it out, will give you new insights into your branding and messaging.”

Thea Larsen

Online Membership Creator, Founder of Cowgirls Over Coffee

Want a full list of all the goodness inside?

Here’s everything you’ll get inside The Brand Accelerator…

The Brand Accelerator Mock up

The Brand Accelerator Curriculum

($2,999 value)

Learn the precise step-by-step system for creating a brand that will inevitably grow in followers, impact, and revenue for the long-haul.

Lifetime Access to Course + All Future Updates

($1,999 value)

Get access forever – including to all updates that may come in the future at no additional cost – so you can review modules as you need to, beyond our 8 weeks together.

Videos, Worksheets, Templates, Swipe-Files and Guides

($499 value)

Have the exact step by step roadmap you need to confidently achieve your goals and enhance productivity. These resources provide organized tasks, design templates, communication swipe-files, and expert advice, empowering you to navigate challenges and optimize efficiency throughout your journey. Streamline your path to success and unlock your potential with this comprehensive toolkit.

PLUS, My “Get-Unstuck” Bonus Vault

Once we’ve established your foundation, it’s time for me to make a pinky promise with you.

So, inside The Brand Accelerator, I want to make sure you can get your hands on the tools that will help you overcome any old excuses that may have tripped you up in the past.

Bonus 01

8 LIVE Coaching Calls with Julie

($4000 Value)

Let’s plan for the future and maintain a consistent action plan! Beyond lifetime access to the course, you also get 8 weeks of live coaching calls with Julie. Changes and challenges come for all of us! This is why you’ll get my eyes, ears, brain, and hands on your brand – your why, your message, your genius, and your strategy. Engage with me or listen to other members’ questions. Don’t just survive – thrive over time with this bonus!

Bonus 02

The Student-Only Private Community Group

($999 Value)

Receive 10 weeks of access to incredible support from like-minded peers who really “get it” and provide invaluable feedback, perspective, and encouragement. Engage in valuable discussions, receive priceless feedback, gain new perspectives, and be inspired by the encouragement that this community offers during the live phase of the program.

Bonus 03

Course Launch Starter Kit: The Must-Know Strategies, Systems and Swipe Files Needed to Create a Wildly Successful Course

($999 Value)

Along with exclusive behind-the-scenes access to the exact backend files, templates, and processes employed by Julie herself to proficiently organize, plan, and execute course launches. Julie’s systems cover every pivotal facet of course creation, offering a fool proof resource to facilitate your long-awaited course launch. With this comprehensive toolkit and ready-to-use swipe files, you’re primed to confidently embark on your personal journey towards realizing a thriving online course venture.

Bonus 04

List-Building 101 with Amy Porterfield: How to Kickstart Your Email List Like a Pro

($299 Value)

Learn the magic of List-Building, including what it can do for your business, why the best time to start is NOW and why it sometimes can feel so overwhelming to get started.

Join Amy Porterfield as she dives into what it takes to get started (from software to lead magnets to everything in between). In this training, you’ll gain a foundational understanding of List-Building and learn some strategies that are working right now to get people to start paying attention and on your list!

Bonus 05

Soulful Monetization Mastery with Jessica Zweig

($299 Value)

Embark on a transformative live journey with renowned speaker and entrepreneur, Jessica Zweig, to unlock your authentic mission and manifest a life of limitless potential.

Dive deep into the secrets of abundance within you, confidently set your worth, align mind and spirit for success, amplify your brand’s impact, and connect money-making with soul purpose. Soulful Monetization Mastery will help you open the door to a future filled with prosperity and purpose.

There was a lot of depth to this course that I wasn’t expecting, I have used other programs in the past, but found this material made me dig deeper and introduced me to some holes that were missing in my marketing plan and the way I communicated with my audience.”

Destri Bufmack

Beauty Industry Educator & Salon Owner

Here’s the exact gameplan to go from stagnant biz owner to

Thriving Entrepreneur

Module 1Time Management & Work-Life Balance for Sustainable Success

Say hello to a more productive, balanced, and fulfilling life with this essential module! Our program begins with this transformative training covering essential skills and strategies for work-life balance, productivity, and effective time management. You are given a clear path to task prioritization, setting boundaries, creating systems, and streamlining workflows so you can overcome procrastination and maintain focus.

In This Module We Cover

Setting Clear Boundaries And Prioritizing Tasks – empowering you to manage your commitments effectively.

A Roadmap To Streamlining Productivity – so you can optimize your routines through powerful schedules for effective time management.

Outsourcing and Delegation Strategies – And we all need some help every now and then – so you will be equipped with smart outsourcing and delegation to reclaim valuable time, and unlock the tools to conquer distractions and banish procrastination.

You’ll Also Receive These Supportive Assets:

  1. Complete exercises to rank tasks based on importance and urgency so you can focus on what truly matters.
  2. Decide whether to say “Yes” or “No” to scenarios to protect boundaries, empowering you to manage your commitments effectively.
  3. Identify tasks for system and workflow implementation, streamlining your processes for efficiency.
  4. A personalized weekly schedule system & template that balances work and personal commitments, helping you allocate time wisely.
  5. Define your Zones of Genius, Competence, and Incompetence, enabling you to focus on tasks that align with your strengths.
  6. Evaluate reasons for not hiring or outsourcing and determine readiness to hire, paving the way for business growth.
  7. Plan 1-3 hires for the next 30-90 days, freeing up your time for strategic business development.

Module 2Discovery Phase - Uncovering Your Personal Brand Advantage

In this module, we explore the crucial components of personal branding and effective audience engagement so you can manifest consistent income. You’ll learn to truly understand the needs, pain points, and desires of your ideal audience, in order to establish a genuine connection. Through my specific Discovery Method, you’ll uncover opportunities that set you apart from competitors, enabling you to establish a unique edge. In addition, I will show you how to convey your ‘WHY’ more authentically by incorporating your core values into your personal brand.

In This Module We Cover

Audience Understanding – Discover the genuine needs, pain points, and desires of your ideal audience to establish a stronger connection, enabling you to tailor your offerings and communication precisely to their wants.

Market Domination – Through my niche Discovery Method, you will identify unique opportunities that allow you to distinguish yourself from competitors and carve out your distinctive edge, positioning you as a dominant force in your chosen market.

Strengths Unveiling – Uncover your individual strengths, skills, and expertise that serve as your competitive edge, setting you apart in a crowded space, ultimately empowering you to excel and thrive.

Values Integration – Infuse your core values into your personal brand, providing a clear perspective on your motivations and allowing you to convey your ‘why’ more effectively, thereby fostering deeper connections with your audience and establishing a genuine, lasting impact.

You’ll Also Receive These Supportive Assets:

  1. Understanding the Elements & Benefits of Personal Branding Worksheet enables you to evaluate and articulate your personal brand’s advantages, as well as identify and refine the key components that contribute to the success of your brand.
  2. Detailed Customer Personas Worksheet to identify your ideal customer, along with their needs and motivations, so you can better relate and strategize how best to serve them.
  3. Competitive Analysis allows you to identify opportunities to carve out an exclusive space for yourself in your market.
  4. Self Reflection Worksheet allows you to hone in on your core values so you can maximize your own personal unique edge and connect with intention.
  5. Target Audience Analysis will allow you to get clear on your niche so you can tailor your messaging and offerings more effectively and resonate with your ideal customers.
  6. Define your USP (Unique Selling Proposition) and effectively communicate it in your branding efforts so you can clearly convey your value.

Module 3Captivating Your Audience With What Makes You YOU

If you’re talking to everyone, you’re talking to no one. Let this section guide you through the process of unleashing your authentic self, amplifying your distinct voice and cultivating a clear vision for your brand so you can establish expertise. This is where we establish your brand narrative, which fosters authenticity and trustworthiness by sharing your own journey, challenges, and successes with your audience. We’ll add strength to this brand narrative by creating your strategic brand story and positioning statement that distinguishes you from everyone else. Then you will gain the tools to articulate a clear and concise Unique Value Proposition (UVP), effectively communicating the unique benefits you offer. Through these strategic steps, you’ll naturally position yourself as a recognized authority within your market, solidifying your brand’s influence and impact.

In This Module We Cover

Authentic Brand Voice – Discover your true voice and amplify your brand’s appeal to engage your audience in a bigger way.

Brand Narrative: Unlock the power of your unique brand narrative that builds trust and loyalty with your audience, so you can captivate and convert your target audience consistently.

Distinct Brand Story: Develop a brand story and positioning statement that sets you apart from competitors so you can stand out in a crowded marketplace and attract your next wave of followers.

Clear UVP Formation: Define your Unique Value Proposition (UVP) clearly and concisely, so you can differentiate yourself and effectively communicate your benefits to your audience.

Market Authority Establishment: Strategically position yourself as an authoritative figure within your market, leveraging your brand’s influence and impact, so you can become a go-to resource and leader in your industry.

  1. Develop Your Authentic Voice in Personal Branding so you can connect deeply with your audience and foster a sense of community among your customers (this is critical in establishing yourself as an authority in your domain
  2. Brand Storytelling Framework that resonates with your audience, captures your brand’s values, and sets you apart from competitors,
  3. Impactful Brand Positioning Statement that defines your target audience, unique value proposition, and differentiation factors, so you can clearly communicate your brand’s value and stand out in a crowded market, establishing a clear and memorable presence.
  4. Create your Unique Value Proposition by identifying customer needs, unique benefits, and crafting a clear value proposition statement, so you can effectively address your audience’s pain points and offer a compelling solution, making your brand irresistible.
  5. Elevator Pitch Template will provide you with an agile selling tool to keep in your back pocket and always stay clear on the essence of your brand credibility & value proposition.
  6. Establishing Authority Worksheet so you can foster a sense of trust and loyalty with your customers in order to build a sustainable community.

Module 4Strategizing Content for Exponential Growth

In this game changing module, you will craft a sustainable content strategy that not only saves you time, but also generates a consistent income so that you can finally capitalize on your community.

Using content pillars, we’ll create compelling narratives that captivate your audience’s hearts and minds. Plus, I will equip you with essential content creation, curation, and scheduling tools to boost your efficiency, conduct content audits, and refine your strategies based on analytics and feedback. Say goodbye to overwhelm with the expert tips on planning and organizing your content using my customized content calendar!

In This Module We Cover

Moving From Vision to Cohesive Tangible Branding – My inner Leo is passionate about this one, so get ready, because we’ve got to make sure thang’ called your online brand looks good! Here we will work on creating a consistent and cohesive visual brand across your platforms (so you can get more eyes on the amazing work you do and with it, more engagement).

Developing an Effective Content Strategy – pinpointing your target audience with precision, ensuring that every piece of content resonates with them.

Leveraging Diverse Content Formats – including formats like social media, blogs, videos, and podcasts, empowering you to choose the most suitable mediums for your message.

Content Creation and Curation Tools Mastery – Streamlining your workflow to ensure your content creation process is efficient without compromising excellence.

  1. Build a strong and cohesive Visual Brand Identity, including color, typography, and imagery selection so you can visually captivate and engage your audience.
  2. Content Pillar Roadmap to identify and establish a next level foundation for focused content creation so you can achieve clear growth objectives with your strategy.
  3. Content Audit Strategy to determine which content is successful and understanding your ideal audiences preferences and expectations so you can refine your content accordingly and see a spike in reach and engagement.
  4. Strategy Refinement Template so you can make strategic adjustments to your content strategy, aligning it with audience preferences and industry trends.
  5. 50+ Content Strategy Ideas so you can hit the ground running in diversifying your approach, maximizing engagement, and consistently captivating your target audience.
  6. Fully Customized Content Calendar Template for managing your content schedule, determining content frequency, topics, and maintaining consistency.

Module 5Mastering Social Media Growth & Engagement With Scroll-Stopping Strategies

It’s time that your ideal audience consistently stops scroll with each piece of content you create. In this module, you receive effective strategies for attracting and engaging followers on social media. You will learn how to build a loyal community through authentic interaction and meaningful content, as well as how to create compelling, shareable content that resonates with your audience. Also, we’ll unlock the full potential of Instagram Insights to skyrocket your visibility and reach.

In This Module We Cover

Effective Strategies for Audience Engagement so you can strengthen your social media presence, foster sustained audience growth, and establish a vibrant and engaged community that elevates your brand’s reach and impact.

Optimizing Content Strategy with Analytics to pinpoint essential metrics and tools for evaluating content effectiveness so you can refine your approach, enhance engagement, and achieve measurable success in your social media efforts.

Advanced Community Building Techniques to cultivate a profound sense of belonging and connection within your community and to enhance your social media presence, ensuring the ongoing expansion of your audience.

  1. Social Media Content Analysis & Template so you can enhance your own strategies for making content engaging and story-driven.
  2. Social Media Case Study – This exercise & worksheet explores community engagement techniques, fostering authenticity and meaningful interactions to build a loyal community on social media.
  3. Strategies for Attracting New Followers Guide for building a strong following and developing a social media campaign growth plan
  4. Instagram Insights Study & Optimization so you can achieve better reach and engagement

Module 6Proven Pricing Strategies: Diversify Your Cash Flow & Expand Your Opportunities for Consistent Income

Proven Pricing Strategies is designed to enhance your understanding of pricing strategies for various aspects of business, including consulting, coaching, products, services, collaborations, and more. This BRAND NEW module will give you everything you need when it comes to pricing strategies so that you can confidently drive your business or career toward greater success. This module is your ultimate roadmap to consistent income as a thriving brand!

In This Module We Cover

Nurture Platform Planning – Here we select your nurture platform of choice and outline your nurture strategy so you can create a promotion method that turns fans into soon to be buyers!

Building a Long-Term Relationship for Growth – Here we identify networking opportunities and build long term relationships that are vital to your monetization growth.

Attracting Collaborations & Opportunities to identify unique aspects of your personal brand, approach potential industry partners, create compelling proposals, and negotiate win-win collaborations.

Mastery of Digital Products & Services – from affiliate marketing, to expert coaching to launching online courses and digital products with success. Learn how to sell digital products and services that align with your personal brand and appeal to your target audience. The lesson is packed with streamlined and actionable steps, and by the end, you’ll be able to generate consistent income through your own digital offerings.

  1. Nurture Platform Action Plan so you can strategically drive visibility, engage with your target audience, and build your brand’s recognition and success.
  2. Pricing Strategy Worksheet to help you position your digital products & services competitively in the market and maximize revenue.

“Julie’s strategies are far more helpful than a traditional college business class would have been! For the first time in years I feel like I have a purpose and something amazing that I am building.

…and I now actually have a business! From this, I was able to focus on what I’m passionate about and what resonates with my audience. I learned about the paid services I could provide to my audience. I’m so glad I decided to invest in myself”

Laura Behnke

Founder and CEO of The Life Actually

I Want In!

What’s this going to set me back financially?

Have you been reading this page at all?

This program is going to propel you ahead, not back!

It’s going to hand you the roadmap to leap ahead in your brand growth by putting a step-by-step strategy in place for your brand that will make multiple 6 figure years your new normal.

Of course, joining the program is an investment (and one with a beautiful guarantee), but the dollars and cents are a fraction of the value it provides.

Plus, I made a decision to make the investment more accessible than other comparable programs because I know firsthand that you need all the help you can get to really make your vision for your brand a reality.

And, I am so confident that if you do this work and implement the guidance of this program, you will grow a profitable brand that is built for exponential growth  – making your investment back a thousand times over!

However, for it to be worth it for you, I also need to know that YOU are invested, all-in, and READY to really make this dream happen.

If you show up for this program, I will show up for you.

If you are 100% all-in, I am 100% all-in for you.

During these 8 weeks, I will show you exactly what to do to elevate your brand into a business that provides you the lifestyle (and life) you really want.

But, are YOU willing and ready to invest in making that happen?

Because you have choices.

You could totally keep at it, binge-listening to podcasts, overthinking all your ideas and not knowing quite where to start, posting content that isn’t getting you the results you want  – and still feel like the month-to-month income you see is a yo-yo game—even though your working hours stay at a consistent all-time-high.

Or, you could pull your eggs out of my marketing basket, and move into a content-creation rhythm that gives you a much more sustainable flow to your lifestyle, while fueling a steady income stream to your bank account.

Swipe the very system that I put into play to cultivate a deep trust with my audience, leverage my influence for profit, and know confidently that —no matter what others are doing—that I have a sustainable business that supports my family.

Let’s get you there.

Your investment options for

The Brand Accelerator Program

Payment Plan

6 x $580
6 x $375

YES, Julie! I’m In!

Best Deal & Most Popular!


YES, Julie! I’m In!

Extended Payment Plan

12 x $299
12 x $199

YES, Julie! I’m In!

Want to add 1:1 with Julie and/or a Certified TBA Coach?

Click your pricing preference above to learn about add-on options.

What Brand Accelerators are saying…

The Brand Accelerator experience was life-changing for me. I’ve accomplished more in 4 weeks than I have in years of trying to do this work on my own.”

Kayla Ellsworth

VP of Marketing & Business Development at a Communications Consulting Agency

Elise Armitage

Founder of What The Fab Lifestyle Blog

Julie was so generous with her knowledge. I was able to 1.5x my revenue. I’m also making strategic decisions and launching new products around what I’ve learned.”

“In just a year from implementing Julie’s strategies, my revenue has increased by 55% and it’s really due to the change in my core offerings and focusing on the clients I want to reach.”

Dana Snyder

Founder of Positive Equation, Digital Marketing for Non-Profits

Amanda Lynch

Lifestyle Content Creator & Style Expert

“So many lightbulb moments and golden nuggets to take away from this experience. I looked forward to the weekly calls, learning from Julie and others in the group. Julie is so approachable and offers such pragmatic solutions. It has been so valuable.”

“Julie popped the lid off of the box I had been stuck in!!

I came into Julie’s world as the owner of a solopreneur business—my program was amazing, sure, but my business was totally stuck at its current growth point, trapped by my own internal fears and limitations.

There’s so much “bro-marketing” business programs out there treating clients as if they are just dollar signs, and that’s an energy that does NOT work for me. Julie isn’t like that.

The thing about Julie is that she cares. Like, actually cares. Working with her was a gift to me not only because of her knowledge and expertise but also because of her heart. It can be hard to find solid business coaching and guidance out there when you are ready to grow your business to the next level.

If you want a guide who is authentic and works her ass off for you, who shows up with honesty and realness and with a genuine passion to see you do well, to better serve your clients, and to better care for your growing business (which naturally includes financial gain), you won’t go wrong with Julie.”

Molly Davis

Licensed Professional Counselor, founder of Becoming Boundaried

The Brand Accelerator Money Back Promise

Plus, you’ve got my word: Your enrollment in The Brand Accelerator is completely risk-free—if you’re not happy, I’m not happy. If by Friday March 15th, 2024 you aren’t happy, just show me your completed worksheets from The Welcome Module and Modules 1&2 and I’ll buy the program back from you, no questions asked!

I wholeheartedly believe in this program, and I know if you dig in and trust the system, you’ll see results. The Brand Accelerator is for serious, committed students, but I also want you to feel comfortable making this purchase.

Why am I the one to support you?

Hi friend – Julie here! 

I’m the founder of Pitch It Perfect, The Brand Accelerator, best-selling author of Get What You Want and host of the chart-topping The Influencer Podcast.

I have over 15+ years in marketing, public relations, and personal branding, and my work has been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, SUCCESS, Huffington Post, and People Magazine.

With my viral podcast achieving millions of downloads in more than 178 countries, I was recently named as one of the Top 100 leaders in influencer marketing.

So, it’s safe to say that I know a thing or two about how to make YOU stand out from the crowd, and make good money doing it!

But, it always wasn’t this way for me… even though I could help other people build and monetize their brands, it took me a while to figure out how to do it for myself! 

From hustling hard and making just $400 per month (soul-destroying!), to creating millions of dollars in revenue, I’ve been where you are now…

Since 2016, I decided to stop the comparison trap, gain clarity around my greater vision and discover what my true brand purpose is…

Since then I’ve worked with thousands of content creators, entrepreneurs, coaches and influencers, helping them make millions by monetizing their brands and businesses online.

And now, if you want, I’m going to show you exactly how to do the same!

Simply put – I believe your hard work shouldn’t go unpaid.

You deserve to be paid for the audience you’ve worked so hard to bring together, no matter what niche or industry you’re in … and now, it’s time to hand over the education to YOU!

Want in but STILL not sure if this is the right fit for you?

The Brand Accelerator is 100% created for you, especially if…

You’ve been creating content for a while, but just feel like you’ve plateaued your growth and stalled out. You know that even if your content is good, it’s not translating into income, and you’re ready to learn how to amplify the financial growth that you know you’re capable of (and really want)!

You’re passionate and creative but get bogged down in the day-to-day of life (and kinda lose that creative mojo) or get overwhelmed by too-many ideas and don’t know where to start! You’re smart and could probably strategize for someone else but when it comes to your own brand, you’re left scratching your head, grabbing a snack, and scrolling instead of creating for yourself.

You’re not obsessed with being Insta-famous or just racking up on free hotel trips/swag/perks but definitely want to make a good full-time living doing this. You’re more social media strategy than socialite, and very okay with that. Plus, you KNOW beauty samples and YouTube followers don’t pay the tab during a girls night on the town. But building a six-figure business without thousands of followers? You’re 100% down to see how that works.

You’re pro-authentic growth, thumbs down sleazy tactics. You’re a smart cookie, and with algorithm changes and new apps popping up these days, you know that true engagement with your followers is what will translate into being able to elevate your brand, create a consistent stress free work schedule and that flow of income you deserve – THAT’s what’s important to you.

You’re ready to see your message really make an impact. You want to put your passion and purpose into words so you know exactly why you whip out your laptop every day. Plus, your goal isn’t to be followed by everyone, but to share content that your specific audience really needs—because you know that’s how the impact and growth really happens.

You’re a hard-worker. Everything is possible with the right combination of belief, strategy, and action. My parents raised me to know the value of a little elbow grease, and that’s how The Brand Accelerator works, too.

Here’s how to secure your spot in The Brand Accelerator

  • Click any button on this page and you’ll be directed to three payment options – a 1-pay plan with special discount, a 6-pay plan, or a 12-pay plan.
  • After you choose your payment plan, use any major credit card, Buy Now Pay Later or Paypal to complete your enrollment.
  • Right after you pay, you’ll get a confirmation email with all of the program details (call dates and times, Module release dates and where to access the program and community, how to log in, etc) as well as access to the Welcome Module so you can dive in whenever you desire! Say hello to your new treasure trove of brand accelerating goodness! Ooh la la!
  • You’ll also get an email receipt for your purchase.
  • The Modules will be released each week on Monday morning starting on Monday March 4th, 2024. Our first call will take place on Thursday March 7th and a recording of the call will be added to your portal within 24 hours for lifetime viewing.
  • You craft your action plan, get to work on your brand, and watch your business dreams finally become reality!

Is The Brand Accelerator for YOU?

… Some FAQs

Where does The Brand Accelerator take place?

Online! All 8 weeks of the dripped content will be released virtually starting Monday March 4th, 2024 and hosted online. Our first call will take place on Thursday March 7th and a recording of the call will be added to your portal within 24 hours for lifetime viewing.  You have lifetime access to the training and recordings, so you can go through the modules each week as they’re released during the live session, or you can work at your own pace.

When does TBA start?

It starts immediately after you enroll with access to our community portal and Welcome Module.
You get lifetime access to the Modules—which are dropped into your members’ area each week for starting on Monday March 4, 2024—and our LIVE coaching calls run from March 7 through May 2, 2024.

What if I can’t make the LIVE calls?

If you’re traveling or have other life commitments during the live period, it’s not a problem. All calls are recorded and housed in your member page, and students receive access to the material for the life of the program.

I’m in a season of personal growth—I don’t have a lot of this figured out. Is this for me?

You are EXACTLY WHO the course was made for! Personal growth is a journey, not a destination. Which is why I created Module 1 (Purpose) to lay the foundation. You don’t have to worry about figuring this out by yourself anymore. Every person that I know who is wildly successful comes back to the foundation, because you WILL hit a wall. My goal is to set you on a trajectory for success with a firm foundation.

Who is The Brand Accelerator for?

TBA was made for committed creators, entrepreneurs and coaches who want a step-by-step roadmap to clarity, tools and action. Whether you’re a total beginner or you’re in the process of upleveling your established career, TBA is for you if you are ready to get clarity and a clear cut roadmap on your personal brand and marketing success. It is also for someone who loves the idea of going through this with a community of like minded people. The community portal is open throughout the 8-week program, so you can bounce ideas off one another and learn from one another.

Who is The Brand Accelerator NOT for?

TBA definitely isn’t everyone! Entrepreneurs who are not ready to test and apply new strategies will not see success here. Influencer-types who just want free vacations and free products and no real business strategy need not apply.

If you consider yourself a master at personal brand strategy, social media marketing and content creation—this experience is not right for you.

This program is not right if you hope to learn by what Julie calls ‘window shopping’. TBA is for dedicated students who understand that real change is not a sprint, it’s a marathon that takes time, dedication and action.

TBA is not right for someone looking for a one size fits all system to make money. This is not a get rich fast or instantly instafamous program. This is a “learn the steps needed to build a profitable online business” program. 🙂

My niche is very different, will this work for me?

From marketing agency owners, to content creators, mental health coaches, photographers, designers, influencers, therapists, vegan chefs, course creators, on-air TV personalities, yogis, writers, scuba divers, and partner’s of commercial fisherman to every niche of speaker, author, coach and consultant — the range of unique and diverse creatives this TBA is made for is one of our most honored qualities. No matter what you share and sell in the online space, you must understand how to use your marketing and branding for long term success.

Regardless of your niche, the online industry demands that you learn how to speak, connect and engage with your core audience, followers and customers. So if you have something to share, sell, or create online, TBA will help you

Can my best friend or business partner take TBA with me?

TBA is a single enrollment program. Meaning, one person per enrollment. If you’d like to do the program along with your partner, please share the love, but they will need to enroll separately.

What if I’ve already taken Pitch It Perfect or another one of Julie’s programs?

Pitching brands is just one way to diversify your income. However, your brand is not sustainable if it is solely dependent on brand deals or affiliate income as the main or only source of income … it’s an anxiety-ridden way of living to not know when your next pay check is coming. So, I wanted to create something that is completely different from anything I’ve done before. While Pitch it Perfect talks about securing brand deals, and Julie’s other programs have covered business strategies…. this takes all of that and goes miles, miles further.

How is this different from Pitch It Perfect? Do they overlap?

The Brand Accelerator is a completely separate program from Pitch It Perfect. In Pitch It Perfect, we dive deep into a single focus: landing paid brand collaborations, while The Brand Accelerator covers way more ground. The Brand Accelerator teaches multiple marketing skills and training needed to take your personal brand and turn it into a profitable, sustainable business.

Is Pitch It Perfect included in The Brand Accelerator?

No. These are two distinct programs with separate enrollment.

Do I need to complete Pitch It Perfect before I enroll in The Brand Accelerator?

Absolutely not! Pitch It Perfect and The Brand Accelerator are completely separate programs. While they compliment each other well, they are in no way dependent on each other to experience success and achieve your goals.

I don’t think I have time to commit to this?? How long does it take?

I didn’t create TBA to be a watered-down, bulky system to gather digital dust in your inbox—Instead, I specifically designed it to be paced with the curriculum content dripped over an 8-week period, to provide to-the-point, actionable insights. The goal is to guide you through the TBA system so you can start seeing some profit ASAP. With that being said… this is the most detailed, in-depth training I’ve ever offered, so you choose the approach that works best for your timeline and needs. Expect to either work with me LIVE in real time (in which case I’d suggest committing 4-6 hours per week for training + coaching calls) or at your own pace (Remember, every-thing is recorded and added to the members portal for you for lifetime access).

So don’t let a fear of “being left behind” stop you from getting ahead!

The beauty of it all? The private community will be rocking hard for 8 weeks, and the templates and curriculum are there for you to continually reference for years to come.

How is this different from The Influencer Podcast and your other free resources?

There’s more free information available to you on the topics covered on the podcast and throughout my website than has ever been since the beginning of human history! 😉 … But if you’re not aware of what you need to know (and what you don’t), all the free information in the world won’t help… Hello analysis paralysis!

This is not about access to some exclusive content behind a paywall that gives you access to a clear plan of action to follow + coaching from Julie.

Truth is, there is no secret formula. It’s about showing up, doing the work, and levering your strength to become the highest version of yourself. Enrolling in TBA means putting yourself in an environment intentionally designed to help you create, perform and share in the most successful way possible – and create a killer business while doing it!

How are the students supported as they work through the course?

Ah! One of our favorite questions! Once you join the program, you’ll have guidance and support from a team of like-minded go-getters in a safe and encouraging environment.

Here’s what you have access to:

Exclusive, Members-Only Community
We’re proud to have incredibly active, encouraging and supportive students and share so much wisdom and guidance with one another. In our private, student-only community you can share ideas, get feedback, ask questions and connect with other students and will be available during our 8 weeks together.

Office Hours Coaching Calls
During our 8 week live program, you’ll be able to hop on live office hours calls with Julie. We’ll tackle your toughest questions and provide guidance to move you ahead. We also record and transcribe all calls that are housed in your member portal, so you can listen and learn at your convenience. Office hours are weekly for the first 8 weeks after we close enrollment, and you will get access to the full schedule upon enrollment.Resources
We have spent the last year curating one of the best Resource portals we have ever seen! From what email service providers are the best for you, must-have systems to foster your growth, and Julie’s personal top picks from designers and copywriters to work with to the best podcast equipment to start a podcast, we’ve got you covered!

Lifetime Access to the TBA Curriculum
As long as the internet is around, you’ll have the ability to reference TBA files, videos, templates, and resources. I’m not planning on going anywhere, and I’m here to make sure this investment pays off for as long as you want to have a career!

EmpowerYou, Inc. Ongoing Support
Julie’s company and team members at EmpowerYou, Inc. take customer care to heart. If you have technical issues or are simply having a challenge you need help with, write support@greatideasfeed.com and we’ll take care of you as quickly as we can. Our customer service team is extraordinary and can be reached M-F, from 9am – 5pm Central US time.

Do we get access to Julie for direct feedback & one-on-one support while enrolled in TBA?

YES! This is a real group learning experience, so getting guidance and support through our various opportunity channels is never more than a few minutes away. Julie is active on our coaching calls and in the members area during the 8 week period. Have a question on our call? Just raise your zoom hand! You will receive personalized 1-1 coaching support from Julie in a supportive, group-based environment (+ you’ll get the valuable benefit of learning from your peers and their own challenges!).

How quickly will I get access to the materials and private community?

How does pretty-much instantly sound? 🙂 As soon as you click the button above and enroll, I’ll pop into your inbox with login info so you can hop into the members area. You’ll get immediate access to our Welcome Module, In Course Bonus Content that will set you up for Module 1 success before it officially drops on October 9th—then ongoing for the next 8 weeks! We will be taking a week off in the middle as well as for Thanksgiving. Inside your members portal and in your welcome email, you’ll find a link to request access to the private community, so you can jump inside and begin chatting with other students, see what’s working for them, and get feedback from me and my team. From there, you’ll be notified via email when you can access each module.

How long do I get access to the program?

LIFETIME, friend! As long as the internet is around, you’ll have the ability to reference TBA files, videos, templates, and community resources. I’m not planning on going anywhere, and I’m here to make sure this investment pays off for as long as you want to have a career! 

Can I sign up anytime?

The Brand Accelerator is ONLY available during this promotional period, so if you’re a fan of shopping for deals (I know I am!), now’s the best time to hop in. Enrollment closes 3/1 at 7pm CT.

What forms of payments do you accept?

We accept all major credit cards and PayPal. 

Do you offer refunds?

Yes. While The Brand Accelerator is for serious, committed students, it’s important to me that you feel comfortable making this purchase (If you’re not happy, I’m not happy)! Your enrollment in The Brand Accelerator is completely risk-free. If by Friday March 15th, 2024 at 12pm CT, you show me your work — (this includes all completed worksheets from our first three Modules), and haven’t seen results, I’ll buy the program back from you, no questions asked. I wholeheartedly believe in this program, and I know if you dive in and trust the system, you’ll see the results for yourself.

I live outside the US - Can I still take this course?

Absolutely! All videos and transcripts are in English. So we do recommend having a strong understanding of the spoken and written English language. Please pay attention to any and all currency rates and foreign transaction fees that may occur, as the financial responsibility is yours.

I have more questions - How can I get in touch?

We’d love to chat and answer any questions you may have! Drop us a line at support@greatideasfeed.com, or just stay on this page until the chat box pops up in the right hand corner. I believe in business investments, but I also believe in SMART business investments. My team and I are standing by to make sure you’re able to make the best decision for you.